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What is an FSA?

A flexible spending account (FSA), administered by Health Equity, allows you to set aside tax-free money to help pay for eligible out-of-pocket expenses.

  • There are three types of FSAs that you can choose from: Standard FSA, Limited Purpose FSA (LPFSA), and Dependent Care FSA (DCFSA).
  • After you enroll in your FSA, you will receive debit card to use when paying for eligible expenses. Your FSA funds, which are determined by how much you choose to contribute, are immediately available once deducted from your paycheck.
  • Your FSA paycheck deductions are tax-free, which helps reduce your taxable income.

This page provides information about choosing and managing your FSA, identifying eligible expenses, and how to file claims for reimbursement. More FSA resources can be accessed at HealthEquity.com.

FSA-Eligible Expenses

To help you determine what you can pay for with your FSA, you can search a list of eligible expenses and use the store locator to find merchants that offer FSA-eligible items.

Keep a copy of your receipts! Health Equity has a couple of ways that they verify FSA card transactions: some do not require a receipt for substantiation, while other times a receipt is required.


When You Don't Need a Receipt

  • IIAS store or pharmacy purchases (the IIAS is a required approval system the IRS requires to list all merchants who sell goods that have FSA-eligible items; find more information at seg-is.org)
  • Prescription or eligible over-the-counter (OTC) purchases
  • Co-payments
  • Flat co-payment amounts at a doctor, dentist, vision provider, or hospital where said flat co-pays were provided
  • Recurring transactions
  • Payment made at the same location and for the same dollar amount as a prior payment for which the receipt was already approved by Health Equity at least once

When a Receipt is Required

  • Doctor’s office, hospital, dentist, or vision provider where the health plan has a deductible or coinsurance amount
  • Co-insurance and deductibles (assuming carrier files, if applicable, are unable to exactly substantiate the expense)
  • Purchases at 90% pharmacies
  • An odd dollar amount that does not match one of the flat co-pay amounts provided

Helpful Resources


Health Equity

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) & Health Savings Account (HSA)

Contact Information

HSA: 866-346-5800
FSA: 1-877-924-3967

Quick Links

Filing Claims for Reimbursement

Claims for reimbursement for FSA-eligible expenses can be filed online, via fax, or via US mail. Claims will be processed within two (2) business days after receipt. To check the status of your claim, log in to your account.

File Claims Online

For faster service, file your claim online. Simply log in to your account to submit your claim electronically and upload any required documentation.

File Claims via Fax or US Mail

Claims can be submitted via fax or US mail. First, download and fill out the Reimbursement Claim Form. Then, print and send the completed form and any required documentation as follows:

  • Fax: 877-353-9236
  • US Mail: CLAIMS ADMINISTRATOR, P.O. Box 14053, Lexington, KY, 40512

Types of FSAs: Comparing Your Options

Use the information below to help you decide which type of FSA is right for you. Health Equity also offers guides for Comparing FSA Options and Things to Know About the FSA.

Note: If you are enrolled in an HSA medical plan, you cannot have “double coverage” for medical and prescription drug expenses by having both an HSA and a standard FSA. You can, however, use the Limited Purpose FSA (LPFSA) for dental and vision expenses.


The standard FSA can be used to pay for eligible medical, prescription drug, dental, and vision expenses not covered by your insurance.*

*HSA plan members are not eligible for the standard FSA.

Your Title Goes Here

How it Works

How much can I contribute?

  • $100 minimum
  • $3,300 maximum

How do I access and use the FSA money?

You will receive a debit card to use for eligible expenses. Funds are immediately available.

Who can use the FSA money?

If you are enrolled in the Basic PPO Plan or Enhanced PPO Plan, or even if you don’t elect Michaels medical coverage, you can use the money to pay for eligible medical, prescription drug, dental, and vision expenses that your health care plans don’t cover.

This applies to:

  • Yourself
  • Any dependents you claim on your federal tax return
  • Your children under age 26, even if they are not covered by a Michaels benefit plan

Under IRS rules, expenses for domestic partners cannot be paid from an FSA.

Dates & Deadlines

  • You can incur expenses until Dec. 31 of the plan year.
  • You have until March 31 after the plan year ends to submit your reimbursement claims for expenses.

Limited Purpose FSA

The Limited Purpose FSA (LPFSA) can be used to pay for dental and vision expenses, but cannot be used to pay for other health care expenses.

Your Title Goes Here

How it Works

How much can I contribute?

  • $100 minimum
  • $3,300 maximum

How do I access and use the LPFSA money?

You will receive a debit card to use for eligible expenses. Funds are immediately available.

Who can use the LPFSA money?

If you are enrolled in the Michaels Choice HSA medical plan, you may use the Limited Purpose FSA to pay for dental and vision expenses only, and use your HSA to pay for eligible medical and prescription drug expenses.

You can use the money to pay for eligible dental and vision care expenses that your dental and vision plans don’t cover.

This applies to:

  • Yourself
  • Any dependents you claim on your federal tax return
  • Your children under age 26, even if they are not covered by a Michaels benefit plan

Under IRS rules, expenses for domestic partners cannot be paid from an LPFSA.

Dates & Deadlines

  • You can incur expenses until Dec. 31 of the plan year.
  • You have until March 31 after the plan year ends to submit your reimbursement claims for expenses.

Dependent Care FSA

The Dependent Care FSA (DCFSA) can be used to pay for expenses for your dependents, such as day care, before and after school care, and summer day camp.

Your Title Goes Here

How it Works

How much can I contribute?

  • $100 minimum
  • $5,000 maximum (or $2,500 maximum if married but filing separately from your spouse)

How do I access and use the DCFSA money?

You submit claims for reimbursements. Funds are available after contributions to the account have been made.

How can I use the DCFSA money?

You can use the DCFSA to get reimbursed for dependent care expenses incurred, allowing you and your spouse to work.

This includes:

  • Nursery schools
  • Licensed day care centers (including adult day care facilities and centers for disabled dependents)
  • In-home day care providers
  • Before- and after-school care (if not already included in tuition)
  • Summer day camp, but not overnight camp

Who can use the money?

You can use the money to pay for eligible dependent care expenses for:

  • Children under age 13 you claim on your federal tax return as dependents (or for whom you are the custodial parent if divorced, regardless of who claims the tax exemption).
  • A spouse or dependent who is physically or mentally incapable of self-care and lives in your home for more than half the year.

Under IRS rules, expenses for domestic partners cannot be paid from a DCFSA.

Dates & Deadlines

  • You lose any remaining funds in your account as of Dec. 31 of the plan year.
  • You have until March 31 after the plan year ends to submit your reimbursement claims for expenses.


Pick the Plan that's Best for You
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eValuate Health Plan Selector

eValuate is a free resource to help full-time Team Members choose the best medical plan for their needs.

Let the eValuate Health Plan Selector help you decide which medical plan makes the most financial sense for you and your family. Just answer a few questions and eValuate will calculate the tax savings you can expect on premiums and Health Care FSA contributions for each medical plan. Then you’ll get a summary highlighting which option works best for you.

eValuate doesn’t store any of your personal information, or share it with Michaels or anyone else – it’s totally private and confidential.

You can access and utilize eValuate 24/7 from any smartphone, tablet, or computer.

Open the eValuate Health Plan Selector

Choosing & Using Your HSA or HRA

Pay for Eligible Health Care Expenses Tax-Free
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Choosing an HSA or HRA

To help you pay for eligible in-network health care expenses, Michaels contributes to either a Health Savings Account (HSA) if you enroll in the Select HSA plan, or a Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) if you enroll in the Kaiser HRA plan.

The two types of accounts work differently: follow the links for a closer look at each account in order to help you choose.

Health Savings Account (HSA)

Health Reimbursement Account (HRA)

Vision Coverage

Get the Most Out of Your Vision Benefits

Need glasses or contacts? The EyeMed Vision Plan can help.

EyeMed Vision Plan

Summary of Benefits

Member Perks

EyeMed members save an average 71% off retail pricing using their EyeMed benefits.

You can see who you want, when you want, within the EyeMed Access Network. You’ll have thousands of providers to choose from, including independent eye doctors, your favorite retail stores, and even online options.

Use your EyeMed benefits to shop at your favorite in-network, online eyewear stores, like LensCrafters, Target Optical, Ray-Ban, and ContactsDirect. No paperwork? No problem. All you’ll need is a valid prescription.


What the Plan Covers

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Tap or click the content below and scroll to access all the information.

BenefitIn-Network (What You Pay)Out-of-Network (What the EyeMed Vision Plan Pays Up To)
Annual Exams (Once every 12 months)$15 copay$40
LASIK/PRK ProceduresYou receive a 15% discount on usual and customary fees at LCA-Vision locations or a 5% discount on promotional pricing, whichever is greaterYou receive a 15% discount on usual and customary fees at LCA-Vision locations or a 5% discount on promotional pricing, whichever is greater
Single Vision Lenses$20 copay$25
Bifocal Lenses$20 copay$40
Trifocal Lenses$20 copay$65
Standard Progresive Lenses$20 copay$55
Premium Progresive Lenses$20 copay, then anything over $120 you receive a 20% discount$65
Lens Options
UV Treatment, Tint (Solid and Gradient), Standard Plastic Scratch Coating$0$8
Standard Polycarbonate — Adults and kids under 19$0$20
Standard Anti-Reflective Coating$45 copayN/A
Polarized20% off retail priceN/A
Other Add-Ons20% off retail priceN/A
Frames1$0 Copay; $130 Allowance (you receive a 20% discount on amount over $130)$65
Conventional and Disposable Contact Lenses1$0 Copay; $130 Allowance (you receive a 20% discount on amount over $130)$104
Medically Necessary$0$200
Contacts – Fittings
Premium$0 Copay; $55 Allowance (you receive a 20% discount on amount over $55)$40
1Lenses or contacts once every 12 months. Frames once every 12 months.

What the Plan Costs (Biweekly)

You – $3.30

You + Spouse/Domestic Partner –  $6.24

You + Child(ren) – $6.60

You + Family – $8.62

1. By law, the cost for domestic partner benefits cannot be paid pre-tax, and the “value” of Team Member and employer-provided domestic partner contributions is taxable.

Member How-To Videos


Get the EyeMed App

Find an Eye Doctor

Manage Your Dependents

Print an ID Card

See What's Covered

Set up an EyeMed Account

Helpful Resources

Children's Eye Health

Activities for Kids

Use the links below to download and print self-guided activities from EyeMed to help your child(ren) understand eye anatomy.




Vision Coverage

Contact Information

General Inquiries: 866-723-0596
LASIK: 1-800-988-4221

Quick Links

Dental Coverage

Keep Your Pearly Whites Bright with Dental Coverage
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Dental Plan Options

Michaels offers you two dental plans administered by Cigna; the Cigna PPO and the Cigna DHMO.



Cigna PPO

  • The Cigna PPO plan allows you to see any dentist in-network or out-of-network, but there is a limit to how much the plan pays for some covered services. You’ll save money when you use a provider in the Cigna Dental network.
  • Visit my.cigna.com to find a network dentist near you.

Cigna DHMO

  • With the Cigna DHMO plan, you choose a primary care dentist who directs your care. All services are paid on a copay basis according to the Patient Charge Schedule (PCS).
  • There are fewer dentists in the Cigna DHMO network than there are in the Cigna PPO network.
  • There is no out-of-network coverage with the DHMO plan.
  • Visit my.cigna.com to check whether your dentist is in the Cigna DHMO network. If they are not, you will need to choose a new dentist in the Cigna DHMO network.

What You Pay When You Receive Care

Cigna PPO Cigna DHMO
Preventive services1 (Oral Exams, Cleanings, X-rays)
$0 (in-network only) $0
Individual: $50
Family: $100
Basic services (Fillings, Oral Surgery2, Simple Extractions, Endodontics, Periodontics)
20% after deductible You pay fixed copays according to the plan’s
schedule of benefits. Specialist’s
referral is required under this plan.
Major services (Bridges, Crowns, Dentures)
50% after deductible You pay fixed copays according to the plan’s
schedule of benefits. Specialist’s
referral is required under this plan.
Orthodontia3 (Children Through Age 18 Only)
50%, no deductible You pay fixed copays according to the plan’s
schedule of benefits. Specialist’s
referral is required under this plan.
Annual maximum
$1,800 per person None

1. Out-of-network preventive care is covered 100% up to reasonable and customary amounts.
2. Separate $1,800 lifetime oral surgery maximum.
3. Separate $2,000 lifetime orthodontic maximum.

What the Plans Cost

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Tap or click the content below and scroll to access all the information.

Cigna PPOCigna DHMO
You + Spouse/Domestic Partner1
You + Child(ren)
You + Family
1By law, if a domestic partner does not qualify as a tax dependent, the cost for their benefits cannot be paid pre-tax, and the "value" of Team Member and employer-provided domestic partner contributions is taxable.


You will manage your account and your dental card digitally via myCigna. Please note that Cigna does not issue physical dental cards.

To get started, register in myCigna to create your account. You will need one of the following in order to set up your account: Social Security Number, Cigna Healthcare ID number, or Medicare number. There’s also a myCigna app available to download.

Then, use myCigna to:

  • View, print and send ID cards
  • Find in-network doctors, hospitals, and medical services
  • Compare quality of care information, including patient reviews from customers
  • Manage and track claims
  • See cost estimates for medical procedures
  • Chat with a live Cigna Healthcare rep

myCigna Setup Guide

Leave of Absence (LOA)

Types of Leave & How to Request Leave
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Requesting Leave

Michaels offers Leave of Absence (LOA) as well as Paid Time Off (PTO). To learn about the types of leave and PTO available to you and when/how to apply, refer to the resources on this page. If you need further guidance, contact Team Member Services.

PTO vs. Leave

Paid Time Off (PTO)

  • Paid Time Off (PTO) includes vacation time, personal time, and sick time. For more detailed information and to read the Michaels PTO policies, visit this link: Paid Time Off (PTO).

Leave of Absence (LOA)

  • You must request a Leave of Absence (LOA) if you are going to be absent from work for more than five (5) consecutive working days due to a personal, medical, or other reason. Read the Michaels Leave of Absence (LOA) Guide for more detailed information.
  • You cannot apply for a leave more than 30 days in advance.
  • To apply for LOA, call Reliance Matrix at 1-888-288-1354. You will be asked to provide your personal or job-related illness or injury, along with your medical provider information.


Paid Parental Leave (PPL)

All full-time exempt Team Members are eligible for Paid Parental Leave (PPL) to support families after the birth, adoption, surrogacy, or legal placement of a child.

The PPL policy, linked below, covers birthing mothers and all eligible non-birthing parents, including dads and domestic partners.

Short-Term & Long-Term Disability (STD & LTD)

To receive Short-Term Disability (STD) benefits, you must be unable to perform the essential duties of your job due to accidental injury, sickness, mental illness, or pregnancy. Long-Term Disability (LTD) provides income protection if you become disabled and cannot work due to an illness or injury that lasts for more than 90 days.

Important: Leave and Disability claims are approved separately by Matrix. If your LOA claim is approved, this does not automatically mean that your STD/LTD claim has been approved.

Video Overview of Leave, Disability & Voluntary Benefits

Get Support

For assistance, contact Team Member Services at 855-432-MIKE (6453) and select option 2, available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CT. You can also open a Knowledge Zone support ticket.

File Your Claim(s) Online with Reliance Matrix

Guidance for Filing Claims with Reliance Matrix

How-To Guides

Important Note About Claims for Kaiser Members

Team Members who are enrolled in a Kaiser medical plan must complete an authorization release form in order to file a claim with Reliance Matrix.

  1. Reliance Matrix will provide you with the authorization release form to sign and return.
  2. This form is required in order for Reliance Matrix to obtain the required medical certification from your physician.
  3. Failure to provide the signed authorization release form to Reliance Matrix will result in your claim being denied.


Reliance Matrix

Disability, Life & AD&D, Accident, Critical Illness, Hospital Indemnity Insurance

Contact Information

Phone: 1-800-351-7500

Quick Links

Life Events & Updating Your Benefits

Changes in Status Due to Qualifying Life Events
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Updating Your Benefits After Life Events

Generally, you are only allowed to update your benefit elections when you first become eligible and during the annual open enrollment period. Life happens, however, and sometimes you will need to make changes to your benefits by requesting a change in status.

What Qualifies as a Life Event?

The life events listed below are considered qualifying life events.

  • Change in employment status, such as part-time to full-time Team Member (31 days to enroll)
  • Death of a family member
  • Birth/adoption of child
  • Marriage
  • Divorce/legal separation
  • Gain/loss of other coverage for you or a dependent
  • Beginning/end of domestic partnership relationship

How to Request a Change in Status

If you experience a qualifying life event as defined on this page, you will have 30 days following the date of the life event to make changes to your benefit elections, and this change in status must be consistent with the life event.

To request changes to your benefits outside of the open enrollment period due to a qualifying life event, you must log in to Workday and complete the Qualifying Life Event Form within 30 days of the life event to avoid paying retroactive premiums.

Some documentation may be required with your request. Acceptable forms of documentation may be a marriage certificate, divorce decree, benefit confirmation statement with dates, employer letter with dates, etc.

Dependent Verification Audit

If you are adding a dependent to your medical and/or dental coverage, our third-party vendor, Consova, will contact you directly to conduct a dependent eligibility audit. This audit must be completed in order for your dependent(s) to be verified as eligible for the Michaels plan(s).

For more information about dependent eligibility requirements, visit this link: Eligibility.

Helpful Resources

Grief Counseling Resources for Navigating the Loss of a Loved One

Pregnancy & Adoption Resources

Employment Status Change

If your employment status is changing from part-time to full-time, or from full-time to part-time, you’ll have different Michaels benefit options. Follow the link below for more detailed information about this life event.

Get Support

For assistance, contact Team Member Services at 855-432-MIKE (6453) and select option 2, available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CT. You can also open a Knowledge Zone support ticket.

How to Enroll

Your Guide for Completing Online Enrollment
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Benefits Enrollment Guide

This enrollment overview is meant to point you in the direction of how to use this website to locate detailed information about your benefit options, how to enroll in coverage, and the many resources and programs available to you.

If you prefer to review your benefit options all in one place, you can use the links below to download a print-friendly PDF version of the Benefits Enrollment Guide, available in English and Spanish.

Choose Wisely — No Changes After Enrolling!

Changes to your benefit elections are only allowed outside of the open enrollment period if you have a qualifying life event, such as a birth, adoption, marriage, or divorce. Changes in status must be made within 30 days of the qualifying life event. For more information, follow this link: Change in Status.


Determine Who is Eligible

Make sure you know who you can cover under your Michaels benefits by reviewing the eligibility requirements.

  • Most plans provide coverage for eligible dependents; if you need to cover family members, you can determine who is eligible.
  • Remember, your spouse or domestic partner cannot be covered by a Michaels medical plan if full-time medical coverage is available through his/her employer.

To learn more, use the navigation menu to go to Benefits > Eligibility & Enrolling > Eligibility.

Compare the Plan Options

Make sure to compare all available benefit plans so that you can choose the right coverage for you and your family. Remember, if you don’t enroll, you will not have coverage.

In addition, full-time Team Members can use the free eValuate tool for guidance when choosing a medical plan.

To learn more, use the navigation menu to go to Benefits and locate the benefit information you are seeking.

Consider Life Insurance & Name Your Beneficiaries

Determine how much Life Insurance coverage you need to protect yourself and those you love. Your beneficiaries are managed in Workday, and you can change your designation at any time.

To learn more, use the navigation menu to go to Benefits > Financial Security > Life & AD&D Insurance.

Consider Disability Coverage

Disability coverage is an important benefit that ensures you will receive a portion of your paycheck in the event that you are unable to work due to illness or injury.

  • Salaried Team Members, when eligible, are automatically enrolled in Disability coverage.
  • If you’re an hourly Team Member, you can decide whether you need Disability coverage.
  • Short-Term Disability (STD) coverage is not available in California, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, or Washington.

To learn more, use the navigation menu to go to Benefits > Leave of Absence (LOA).

Add up FSA Savings

You may want to take advantage of the tax-savings of one or more Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs). If you want to have a flexible spending account (FSA), you must enroll each year. Your FSA elections from the previous year will not roll over.

To learn more, use the navigation menu to go to Benefits > Health & Wellness > Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs).

Review & Elect Voluntary Benefits

You can enroll in voluntary benefits such as Optional Life and AD&D for you and your dependent(s), Accident Insurance, Critical Illness Insurance, and Pet Health Insurance.

To learn more, use the navigation menu to go to Benefits > Financial Security.

Save on Wellness & Tobacco Surcharges

You can avoid surcharges and higher premiums for medical coverage by fulfilling the wellness exam requirement and qualifying as tobacco-free.

To learn more, use the navigation menu to go to Benefits > Health & Wellness > Wellness Programs & Surcharges.

Reminder for New Hires: Your Michaels coverage begins on the first day of the month, after you complete 30 days of service, when you enroll within 30 days of your date of hire. Visit the New Hire Hub to determine your enrollment deadline and benefits effective date.

Begin Enrollment

Log in to Workday

Benefits at a Glance

Workday Job Aids

Know Where to Go for Answers

Call Team Member Services at 855-432-MIKE (6453), option 2, or submit a ticket through Knowledge Zone.

Michaels Benefits

Locate Benefits Information Using the Menu Above