Open Enrollment

Important benefits information for HR and people leaders

Benefits Enrollment Is Closed

Benefits effective July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024


Make sure to Compare the Plans so you can choose the right coverage for you and your family. If you don’t enroll, you will not have coverage.

What's New for 2023–2024

  • Medical plan administration moving from Aetna to Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX). For the Basic PPO, Enhanced PPO and Choice HSA plans, BCBSTX will take over administration as of July 1, 2023. Most of the current providers our Team Members are using will be in the BCBSTX network, but there could be some instances where that isn’t the case.
  • Prime Therapeutics replaces OptumRx as our pharmacy benefit manager. Anyone currently using home delivery for medications taken regularly will need to get a new prescription. Team Members will be able to receive one 30-day fill at a retail pharmacy before the mail order requirement applies.
  • Some fertility treatments will be covered by Michaels BCBSTX medical plans. Based on the diagnosis, our plans will now cover one cycle of fertility treatment and medications.
  • MDLive will replace Teladoc for 24/7 virtual health care services for Team Members enrolled in a BCBSTX medical plan. Look for more information soon about BCBSTX clinical programs and resources for support.
  • The premium surcharge for spouses/domestic partners with coverage available elsewhere will be eliminated. We will no longer charge Team Members extra for covering a spouse or domestic partner if that individual has coverage available from another employer’s plan. NOTE: Team Members covering a working spouse/domestic partner will still have to enroll in the Enhanced PPO.
  • Kaiser Telehealth replaces Teladoc. Team Members enrolled in a Kaiser medical plan (for California Team Members only) can access virtual care through
  • Plan year change for FSA and HSA contributions. We are adjusting the plan year for Flexible Spending Account (FSA) contributions and Health Savings Account (HSA) contributions for Team Members enrolled in the Choice HSA Plan. IRS contribution limits for both plans are calendar/tax year limits, so we are changing our plans to have calendar year elections. During the May enrollment period, Team Members will make FSA and HSA elections covering the last six months of the year (July 1 to December 31, 2023). We will conduct another enrollment later in the year for just these two plans that will cover the 12-month period January 1 to December 31, 2024. Going forward, we will conduct a separate FSA/HSA enrollment for the upcoming calendar year.
  • The reporting period for qualified life event benefit changes is now 30 days. The amount of time Team Members have to report a qualified life event change (birth, marriage, divorce, etc.) is changing from 60 days to 30 days.

What Team Members Need to Do

We encourage Team Members to review your options and the changes taking effect July 1. They don’t have to enroll to keep their current coverage, but there are some exceptions. They must log in to Workday and actively enroll to:

  • Change current benefit elections
  • Add or drop covered dependents
  • Enroll in or continue participating in a Health Care or Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA) (the IRS requires a new election each year)
  • Begin saving or change Health Savings Account (HSA) contributions (the HSA is only available with the Choice HSA medical plan)

If Team Members take no action, their current benefit elections will continue at the new 2023–2024 rates, except for FSA and HSA participation. With the exception of FSAs and the HSA, our benefit plans will still have a July 1 to June 30 plan year.


Annual enrollment is Team Members’ opportunity to add new coverage or change their existing plans. Some of their current elections will carry over to the new plan year if they take no action, but we recommend they review their options, get to know what’s new and use their resources for learning more about the programs available to them.

They will only be able to change elections after May 17 if they have a qualified change in status such as a marriage or a new baby. 

Medical Premium Surcharges for Wellness and Tobacco

There are two ways Team Members can avoid paying more for medical coverage premiums for the upcoming plan year.

Complete the Wellness Requirement

If a Team Member, or a Team Member and spouse/domestic partner are enrolled in a Michaels medical plan, each needs to complete an annual physical between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024 to avoid paying a $25 per paycheck ($650 for the year) surcharge on medical premiums beginning in August 2023.

Be Tobacco-Free

If a Team Member and/or spouse/domestic partner uses tobacco, including e-cigarettes and non-nicotine vaporizers, $25 per paycheck ($650 for the year) will be added to medical premiums beginning in July. Team Members can’t use tobacco products for at least six months to be considered tobacco-free, and they can only change their tobacco status during Open Enrollment.

Open Enrollment Webinars

Date Time Meeting Link
Friday, May 5 10 a.m. Central Click here to join the May 5 meeting
Tuesday, May 9 2 p.m. Central Click here to join the May 9 meeting
Thursday, May 11 10 a.m. Central Click here to join the May 11 meeting

In-Person Open Enrollment Meetings: Royal Ridge Auditorium

Date Time
Wednesday, May 3 4 p.m. Central
Tuesday, May 16 11 a.m. Central

Which Medical Plan is Best for You?

The eValuate Health Plan Selector tool allows Team Members to estimate their medical and prescription costs during the year and determine which plan provides the level of care they prefer and at the most affordable price.

Team Member Communications

Wellness Email

Wellness requirements, sent March 17

Wellness Email

Wellness deadline, sent July 17

Wellness Email #2

Wellness requirements, sent April 19

Wellness Email

Wellness completion, sent July 17

Wellness Email #3

Wellness requirements, sent May 18

Wellness Email #4

Wellness requirements, sent June 19

Home Mailer

What’s new and key dates, sent April 18

Announcement Mailer - Spanish

Translation of English home mailer

Enrollment Guide

Details about plans and changes

Enrollment Guide - Spanish

Translation of 2023-2024 English enrollment guide

Table Tent

To be displayed in stores/DCs, shipped April 20

Store Letter

Sent with table tents to be displayed in stores/DCs, shipped April 20

LOA Letter

Sent to homes of Team Members currently out on leave of absence (LOA)

Leader Email

Info HR and people managers need, sent April 20

Enrollment Email

Dates and reminders, sent May 2

Open Enrollment Reminder Email

Dates and reminders, sent May 10

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Medical Insurance Plan Options

Michaels offers several medical plan options, all with prescription drug coverage. Here you’ll find information about how each plan works, what costs to expect, and the resources available to you after you’ve enrolled.

Basic & Enhanced PPO Choice HSA Kaiser HRA
Administered by BCBSTX1 Administered by Kaiser

The Basic and Enhanced PPO plans have copays, deductibles, and coinsurance.

You can choose any provider, but you’ll save money when you use a provider in the Blue Choice PPO Network.

The Choice HSA plan uses the same network as the PPO plans and covers the same services.

You can choose any provider, but you’ll save money when you use in-network providers.

California residents can choose to enroll in the Kaiser HRA plan, but must use a Kaiser provider for the plan to pay benefits.
1All plans offered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) have separate and higher deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums for out-of-network care. Review the Enrollment Guide for more details on out-of-network benefits.


What You'll Pay for Medical Care

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Tap or click the content below and scroll to access all the information.

Choice HSABasic PPOEnhanced PPOKaiser HRA
(CA only)
Money from Michaels
(Amount deposited into HSA or HRA; you can use this money to pay for qualified expenses)
(Amount you pay before you and Michaels share the cost of care)
Team Member + Spouse/Child$4,5006$5,000$2,000$3,000
Out-of-pocket maximum
(The most you will pay – including your deductible and copays – before Michaels pays 100% of remaining eligible expenses for the rest of the plan year)
Team Member + Spouse/Child$12,000$10,600$9,000$6,000
What you pay after you meet the deductible
(Except as noted)
Office Visits
* Preventive Care2$0, no deductible$0, no deductible$0, no deductible$0, no deductible
* Primary Care20%$25 copay, no deductible$30 copay, no deductible$20 copay
* Specialist20%$50 copay, no deductible$50 copay, no deductible$20 copay
Urgent Care320%$75 copay, no deductible20%$20 copay
Retail Clinic420%$25 copay, no deductible20%$20 copay
Emergency Room420%25%$250 copay + 20%20%
Hospital Care and Mental Health520%25%20%20%
Routine Prenatal Care$0, no deductible$0, no deductible$0, no deductible$0, no deductible
1Out-of-network expenses are paid based on the allowed charge. You are responsible for any amount above the allowed charge, even after you reach your out-of-pocket maximum, if applicable.

2Preventive care includes, but is not limited to, annual exams, annual gynecological exams, routine mammograms, colonoscopies and immunizations (based on age and gender).

3Must be an urgent care issue or you will pay 100% of the cost. Routine, preventive and diagnostic procedures are not covered at urgent care facilities. See your Summary Plan Description (SPD) for more details.

4Must be a true emergency or you will pay 100% of the cost.

5Pre-certification is required for inpatient care except for delivery.

6You must meet the family deductible before the plan shares expenses for any covered family member.

What Each Plan Costs

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Choice HSABasic PPOEnhanced PPOKaiser HRA
(CA only)
You + Spouse/Domestic Partner1
You + Child(ren)
You + Family
1By law, if a domestic partner does not qualify as a tax dependent, the cost for his/her benefits cannot be paid pretax, and the “value” of Team Member and employer-provided domestic partner contributions is taxable.

Pharmacy Benefits

For more pharmacy information and resources included in each medical plan, visit the Pharmacy Benefits page.

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Tap or click the content below and scroll to access all the information.

In-Network Benefits Only
Preventive Drug List1$0 copay$0 copay$0 copay$0 (based on ACA required coverage)
GenericBefore you meet deductible, you pay full cost of drug. After you meet deductible, you pay 20%Retail2: $14 copay

Mail-order3: $35 copay
Retail2: $10 copay

Mail-order3: $20 copay
Retail2: $10 copay
Mail-order3: $20 copay
Preferred BrandBefore you meet deductible, you pay full cost of drug. After you meet deductible, you pay 20%Retail2: 25% ($50 min; $130 max)

Mail-order3: $125 copay
Retail2: $35 copay

Mail-order3: $70 copay
Retail2: $30 copay

Mail-order3: $60 copay
Non-Preferred Brand4Before you meet deductible, you pay full cost of drug. After you meet deductible, you pay 50% ($100 min; $250 max)50% after deductible ($100 min; $250 max)50% after deductible ($100 min; $250 max)Retail2: $30 copay

Mail-order3: $60 copay
Specialty Pharmacy5Before you meet deductible, you pay full cost of drug. After you meet deductible, you pay:

Generic: 20% ($200 max)

Preferred brand: 20% ($250 max)

Non-Preferred brand: 50% ($350 max)
Generic: $14 copayGeneric: $10 copay$30 copay in most cases
Preferred brand: 25% ($50 min; $130 max)Preferred brand: $35 copay
Non-Preferred brand:
50% after deductible ($350 max)
Non-Preferred brand: Non-Preferred brand:
50% after deductible ($350 max)
Out-of-Pocket Maximum (If you reach this limit, Michaels pays 100% of all remaining eligible prescription drug costs for the rest of the plan year).
IndividualIncluded in medical out-of-pocket max$2,050Included in medical out-of-pocket maxIncluded in medical out-of-pocket max
FamilyIncluded in medical out-of-pocket max$4,100Included in medical out-of-pocket maxIncluded in medical out-of-pocket max
1Review the preventive drug list.
2Up to 30-day supply.
3With BCBSTX plans, up to 90-day supply; also available at your local CVS pharmacy, the same as through mail order. The Kaiser HRA allows up to a 100-day supply.
4Non-preferred brand drug costs don’t apply to the out-of-pocket-maximum.
Up to a 30-day supply. Specialty drug costs apply to out-of-pocket-maximum.

Medicare Eligibility

Are you turning 65 and eligible for Medicare? Contact Medicare Transition Services for information and assistance.

Choosing & Using an HSA or HRA Plan

To help you pay for eligible in-network health care expenses, Michaels contributes to either a Health Savings Account (HSA) if you enroll in the Select HSA plan, or a Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) if you enroll in the Kaiser HRA plan.

The two types of accounts work differently: follow the links for a closer look at each account in order to help you choose.

Deductibles & Coinsurance

Coinsurance and deductibles function differently depending on the plan you choose.

PPO & Kaiser HRA Plans: If you have Family coverage, one person can meet the individual deductible, and then the plan will share costs for that individual (coinsurance).

Choice HSA Plan: If you enroll yourself and at least one (1) dependent, there is no individual deductible. The entire family deductible must be met before the plan pays coinsurance for any covered family member.

To access more detailed benefits documentation, including plan summaries and required legal notices, head over to the Document Library.

Resources for BCBSTX Plan Members

Your BCBSTX medical plan includes access to a wide variety of medical resources and programs available to you at no additional cost – use the links below to learn more.

Provider Finder

Well onTarget & Health Assessment Program


Group Numbers for BCBSTX Medical Plans

  • Enhanced Plan: 363243
  • Basic Plan: 363244
  • Choice Plan: 363245

Community Resource Directory

BCBSTX members have access to an online directory with information regarding community resources (i.e. financial assistance, food pantries, medical care, and other free or reduced-cost help) in all states, not just Texas.

Helpful Links for BCBSTX Members

Travel Coverage with Global Core

Like your passport, always carry your Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) ID card with you when you travel or live abroad.

Through the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Global Core program, you have access to doctors, hospitals and other health services in nearly 200 countries and territories around the world.

Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX)

Medical Insurance (PPO & HSA)

Contact Information

Phone: 1-877-269-1180

Quick Links

Kaiser Permanente

Medical Insurance & Health Reimbursement Account (HRA)

Contact Information

Phone: 1-800-464-4000 (TTY 711)

Quick Links

New Hire Hub

Benefits Enrollment Guidance for Newly-Hired Full-Time Team Members
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Congratulations! We are delighted to have you on the Michaels team. We know you have lots of information to review, things to learn, and steps to complete as you begin your career with us, so we want to make sure that the process of selecting benefits for you and your family is as simple as possible. The information and tools provided on this website make it simple to evaluate your options and then “design your benefits” for today and in the future.

Get Started

Get started with your benefits enrollment today! Start by watching the orientation video and reviewing the job aid; both are linked below.


You have 30 days from your date of hire to complete your benefits enrollment.

You can use the Enrollment Deadline & Effective Date Calculator on this page to confirm your enrollment deadline.

Watch the Benefits Enrollment Orientation Video

Review the New Hire Enrollment Job Aid

Confirm Your Enrollment Deadline

Enrollment Deadline & Effective Date Calculator

Your enrollment deadline is 30 days from your hire date. Your effective date is the first of the month following 30 days of service.

Select your hire date:

New Hire Checklist

The following checklist will get you started with your benefits enrollment. A more detailed enrollment guide can be found at this link: How to Enroll.

  • Know who’s eligible: Find out who you can cover under your Michaels benefits. Most plans provide coverage for eligible dependents; if you need to cover family members, you can determine who is eligible. Remember, your spouse or domestic partner cannot be covered by a Michaels medical plan if full-time medical coverage is available through his/her employer.
  • Compare the options: Let eValuate help you choose the right coverage for you and your family.
  • Add up FSA savings: You may want to take advantage of the tax-savings of one or more Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs).
  • Consider life Insurance and name your beneficiaries: Figure out how much life insurance coverage you need to protect yourself and those you love. Your beneficiaries are managed in Workday, and you can change your designation at any time.

Virtual Health Care & Telehealth Services

24/7 Virtual Access to Health Care

Disaster Relief: Free MDLIVE Visits

MDLIVE is offering free urgent care and behavioral health telehealth visits* for members impacted by the California wildfire disaster. MDLIVE gives you and your eligible dependents 24/7/365 access to affordable and reliable doctor visits from the safety of your home.

How to Redeem Your Free Visit*

  1. Visit, call 888-680-8646, or use the MDLIVE app to create an account or log in to your existing account.
  2. Select either Urgent Care (on-demand 24/7) or Mental Health (by appointment only) and schedule an appointment with a provider.
  3. When presented with payment options, redeem your free visit by entering the appropriate promo code as found below.
    • Urgent Care: CAWildFiresUC
    • Behavioral Health: CAWildFiresBH

*The disaster relief promotion will end on March 31, 2025.

Some of the Benefits of MDLIVE

  • Physicians are all board-certified, state-licensed, and experienced in delivering high-quality medical care. Consultations are one-on-one and completely private.
  • It’s suitable for the whole family — pediatricians are available.
  • It’s less expensive compared to Urgent Care or the ER.
  • MDLIVE’s doctors can treat over 80 common illnesses and can even send prescriptions to your pharmacy if medically appropriate.
  • You can talk to an MDLIVE doctor in less than 15 minutes via the MDLIVE app, on the MDLIVE website, or by phone.

Coping After a Natural Disaster: English | Spanish

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When you’re enrolled in a Michaels medical plan, you and your covered dependent(s) can speak with a board-certified doctor by phone or video 24/7 through MDLIVE!

Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) Members

Virtual Visits with MDLIVE

Leading virtual visits vendor, MDLIVE, lets you visit independently-contracted MDLIVE board-certified doctors when you may need care. MDLIVE doctors may help treat non-emergency medical and pediatric health issues. Plus, they may even write and send prescriptions to a nearby pharmacy, when appropriate.

You may desire a virtual visit:

  • Instead of going to the ER or urgent care for non-emergency visits.
  • If your doctor is booked.
  • While at home, work, or on the go.


More information can be found in the materials linked below from BCBSTX and MDLIVE:


Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX)

Medical Insurance (PPO & HSA)

Contact Information

Phone: 1-877-269-1180

Quick Links

Kaiser Permanente Members

Kaiser Telehealth Services

With Kaiser Telehealth, you can use everyday devices like your smartphone, laptop, or tablet to get care outside of where your typical care team is physically located.

Telehealth usually means connecting virtually with a health care professional while you’re out in the real world, such as in your backyard, at the park, or at the beach. However, telehealth can take place during office visits, too, like when your doctor consults with a specialist in another room or facility.

More information can be found in the video presentation and materials linked below from Kaiser:


Kaiser Permanente

Medical Insurance & Health Reimbursement Account (HRA)

Contact Information

Phone: 1-800-464-4000 (TTY 711)

Quick Links

Paid Parental Leave (PPL)

Supporting Your Growing Family
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Paid Parental Leave (PPL) Policy

Benefits & Guidelines

All US full-time exempt Team Members are eligible for Paid Parental Leave (PPL) to support families after the birth, adoption, surrogacy, or legal placement of a child. This policy covers birthing mothers and all eligible non-birthing parents, including dads and domestic partners.

Further Reading: Michaels Announces Enhanced Paid Leave Programs (Feb. 5, 2023)


How PPL Works

Program Features
Waiting period from hire date
None, as long as the qualifying event occurred on or after Feb. 5 of the plan year.
Benefit amount
Up to 8 weeks of full pay1 for each parent/guardian Team Member.
Application process
Apply directly with Matrix using existing leave process and documentation requirements.
Concurrent policies
PPL hours are applied to any qualifying paid or unpaid family and medical leaves, unless otherwise dictated by applicable federal, state, provincial or local law.If applicable and approved, PPL for birth mothers covered by Michaels Short-Term Disability (STD)2 is paid concurrently3 through the first 8 weeks of PPL.
1This is your usual pay rate in effect when you first became disabled. It does not include bonuses, overtime pay, extra benefits or compensation.
2The STD benefit will be paid based on the duration of disability. Generally, the duration for maternity disability is up to 6 weeks following a normal delivery and up to 8 weeks following a C-section.
3STD is not available in California, Connecticut, District of Columbia, New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Washington or New Jersey.

Guidelines for Use of PPL Hours

  • PPL time cannot be used before the birth or effective date of the event (unless required by applicable laws); time off needed before the date should be covered by other types of paid leave, e.g., personal, vacation or sick time.
  • Team Members have a choice to use all paid leave, and/or PPL in accordance with Company policies and applicable laws.
  • PPL will be paid first and then the Team Member can elect to use sick, personal and vacation hours.
  • PPL hours are available throughout the first year following the qualifying event, not just immediately after birth or placement.
  • Covered Team Members receiving STD benefits for the birth of a child must fully exhaust those benefits before requesting the remaining PPL balance within first year following the event.
  • For Team Members not receiving STD pay, full PPL balance available for use as needed throughout child’s first year with the family.
  • PPL may be used more than once, but not within the same 12-month period, unless required by applicable law.
  • Where applicable, PPL follows the same 12-month, rolling backward period as U.S. Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave.

Video Overview of Leave, Disability & Voluntary Benefits

Request Leave

Get Support

For assistance, contact Team Member Services at 855-432-MIKE (6453) and select option 2, available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CT. You can also open a Knowledge Zone support ticket.

Guidance for Filing Claims with Reliance Matrix

How-To Guides

Important Note About Claims for Kaiser Members

Team Members who are enrolled in a Kaiser medical plan must complete an authorization release form in order to file a claim with Reliance Matrix.

  1. Reliance Matrix will provide you with the authorization release form to sign and return.
  2. This form is required in order for Reliance Matrix to obtain the required medical certification from your physician.
  3. Failure to provide the signed authorization release form to Reliance Matrix will result in your claim being denied.

File Your Claim(s) Online with Reliance Matrix


Reliance Matrix

Disability, Life & AD&D, Accident, Critical Illness, Hospital Indemnity Insurance

Contact Information

Phone: 1-800-351-7500

Quick Links

Wellness Requirement Verification

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Confirm Your Wellness Activity

Michaels offers you and your spouse/domestic partner an opportunity every year to pay a lower medical premium. If you and your spouse/domestic partner are enrolled in a Michaels full-time medical plan, you both must complete an annual wellness exam between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025  to avoid a $780 per person surcharge on your 2025-2026 medical premiums.

Our records show that you and/or your spouse/domestic partner have not completed the wellness requirement and will NOT be eligible for the lower medical premium each month. If you are subject to the surcharge, your monthly premium for medical coverage WILL INCREASE beginning with the August 8, 2025 paycheck. 

Wellness exams can take up to 45 days after the date of service to be reported to Michaels. We ask for your patience while we partner with our vendors to get confirmation.

If You Think Our Records Are Incorrect

If you believe our records are incorrect, and all wellness activities have been completed, please complete the Wellness Activity Confirmation form on this page by June 30, 2025, and we will begin a review. Please provide all requested data so that we can quickly resolve your dispute.

2025 Wellness Activity Confirmation Form

Wellness Activity Confirmation Form

* = Required

Team Member Name
Team Member Name
(Log into Workday to find your ID)
Disputing Record(s) For
2024-2025 Medical Plan Administrator

Team Member Wellness Activity Information


Spouse / Domestic Partner Wellness Activity Information


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

While we research your information, please review the list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) below, which you can also download or print in English or Spanish.


How much will my premium increase?

If you and/or your spouse/domestic partner do not complete a wellness exam, your premium will increase by $30 per person per pay period. If both you and your spouse/domestic partner do not complete a wellness exam, it will increase by $60 per pay period. You will see the wellness surcharge added as a separate deduction on your paycheck details.

If I get my wellness exam after June 30, 2026, will I still receive a surcharge?

Yes, the last day to get a wellness exam for the next plan year is June 30, 2026.

Do I need to submit a separate form for each disputed charge – i.e., self and spouse separately?

You may submit one dispute form for both you and your spouse/domestic partner.

Do I need to open a case for Team Member Services separately?

No, the submission of this form will be reviewed by the Benefits team and each case will be investigated through the appropriate medical insurance carrier. If a ticket is submitted, your ticket will automatically be closed.

What information do I need to complete the form?

You will need to provide your team member ID, legal name, date of birth, email, contact phone number, date of wellness exam, and the name of the medical provider for the individual the charge is being disputed for.

What happens after the dispute is submitted?

If the dispute is denied, the Team Member will be contacted with an explanation. If the dispute is affirmed, the Team Member will avoid paying the surcharge for plan year 2026–2027.

Why was my wellness exam not recorded?

Wellness exams can take up to 45 days after the date of service to be reported to Michaels. We ask for your patience while we partner with our vendors to get confirmation.

How can I avoid my physical not being recorded properly this year?

Monitoring your Explanation of Benefits (EOB) statements is crucial to ensure accurate reporting of your wellness exam by your physician. In the event that you identify any discrepancies or issues, it is important to take action promptly by contacting your physician and/or insurance company to rectify the situation.

What are the dates when I am supposed to get a wellness exam?

You and your spouse/domestic partner need to complete an annual physical between July 1, 2025 and June 30, 2026. There will be no extension to the deadline.

When will I see my first surcharge?

If we determine that wellness requirements have not been completed by June 30, 2026, beginning with your August 22, 2026, paycheck, you will see the wellness surcharge added as a separate deduction on your check details. The annual wellness surcharge is $780 per person, but the amount per paycheck is only $30 per person or $60 if both the team member and spouse/domestic partner did not get an annual physical before the deadline.

Why was I not told about this surcharge?

Michaels does its best to be transparent and has communicated this information in the open enrollment guide, guide, and several email reminders that were sent throughout the year, beginning in February.

How long do I have to dispute this charge?

You have until September 30, 2026, to dispute this charge. Any disputes after September 30, 2026, will be rejected and a refund will not be issued.

When will the wellness surcharge for the current plan year end?

June 30, 2026.

If I submitted a wellness exam for the last plan year, will I still receive credit for this plan year?

No, you need to complete an annual wellness exam each plan year to receive credit.

Why does Michaels charge team members a wellness surcharge?

Michaels prioritizes the well-being of every team member, supporting their individual wellness journeys and promoting the health of both Team Members and their families. Research has consistently shown that individuals who undergo regular annual physicals are less likely to experience severe illnesses, as potential diagnoses are made in a timely manner or even prevented altogether. By encouraging and facilitating these annual check-ups, Michaels aims to ensure the overall health and longevity of its workforce. Taking proactive measures to maintain the well-being of team members helps us effectively manage corporate expenses and allows us to offer competitive premiums, ultimately benefiting both the organization and its team members.

HR Resources

For legal notices and summary plan descriptions, see Resources > Documents.



  • Coming Soon!


  • Coming Soon!


  • Coming Soon!

Communications Library

Digital Communications Archive for HR & People Leaders
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Latest Edition

Read the summer 2024 edition of the Michaels Benefits newsletter below.

Older Editions


HR Resource Center

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two employees converse at a conference table

Communications Library

A catalog of previous communications, including emails, newsletters, and resource guides.

a group of raised hands in an office setting

Open Enrollment

In-depth information that Team Members may need during the next open enrollment period.

Team Member Handbook